Showing posts with label 4d ultrasound. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 4d ultrasound. Show all posts

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Why Choose 1st Glimpse 3D/4D Ultrasound?

We have a number of different 3D 4D Ultrasound packages to choose from, and we work hard to keep our prices as low as possible to ensure everyone can enjoy this exciting experience. At 1st Glimpse 3D/4D Ultrasound. we use only the newest equipment to get the best 3D Ultrasound images and 4D Ultrasound videos of your little bundle of joy. Our staff is highly trained and is passionate to provide 2D, 3D, 4D ultrasounds. Scheduling an appointment is easy! You could either do it online by clicking on schedule now or you could contact us at 718-676-1303 to speak with one of our friendly 3D 4D Sonogram experts. We can help you to choose the perfect time to come in to ensure we can get great pictures and videos of your unborn child.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

What are 3D and 4D ultrasound scans?

4d scan are moving 3d images, which are are still pictures of your baby in three dimensions.

Most moms are disappointed when they see 2d images of their child because all they see is a grey, blurry outline. This is because the scan sees right through your baby, so the photos show your baby's internal organs.

3D 4D Ultrasound are just as safe as 2d scans, because the image is made up of sections of two-dimensional images converted into a picture. Furthermore, with 3D and 4D scans, you see your baby's skin covering her internal organs. You may see the shape of your baby's mouth and nose, or see her yawn or stick her tongue out.

The best time to have a 3D or 4D scan is when you are between 26 weeks and 30 weeks pregnant. Before 26 weeks your baby has very little fat under her skin, so the bones of her face will show through her skin. If the placenta is at the front of your uterus (anterior), it is best to wait until 28 weeks to get the best images of your baby.
It's natural for a mother to see your baby's face on the scan. But sometimes depending on the positing it is not possible. Also, if the baby is lying facing outwards, with a good pool of amniotic fluid around the features, you should be able to see his/her face clearly. But if baby is facing your back, or if there's not much fluid around, you won't see much. The same applies if the mother has a lot of tummy fat.

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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

The Joy Of First Movement

The principal developments felt are ordinarily initiated by your child kicking as the legs are longer and stronger than your infant's arms.

These first developments have a mixture of depictions, for example, shudders, percolating or popping sensations, a solitary pop or tap, wiggling developments or an inclination of something swimming around inside you.

That swimming sensation is your child moving around and swinging his or her little arms and legs.

Pregnancy Baby Movements: Will My Baby's Movements Feel Painful?

On some occasions the first movement may cause you a little pain due to your child's positioning in the womb and what part of your body your baby decides to kick. Thus, some women reported their first kick as a sharp pain.

It is critical to pay attention and if you keep on experiencing ache of any sort with respect to your child that you ought to instantly see your specialist.

Pregnancy Baby Movements: When Will I Feel My Baby Moving?

Lady who have recently had a baby are considerably more mindful of what their infant's developments will feel like. second and third time moms can here and there feel their child's developments as promptly as 8 or 9 weeks.

Other lady, particularly first time moms, may not feel their infant moving until week 20 or 21. Likewise with first time moms they may reject the introductory impression of their child's developments as normal stomach thundering or you could be so included in some assignment or action that you may not perceive the incidental pop or tapping.

Pregnancy Baby Movements: Little Punches From Little Fists

Plus the kicking and swimming you'll likewise encounters little punches as your infant takes his or her small hands and makes a modest little clench hand and "Pow" pops you one in the side of your womb. Precisely where the child hits or kicks you will figure out whether it is frightful or not.

Assuming that your child smacks you close to an inner organ or right on a nerve pathway then you may feel a little jar of agony yet once you understand this is your infant moving you'll be appreciative for the experience.

Some lady have commented that throughout the most recent month or two of their pregnancy their child appeared to view them as a boxer's substantial sack punching and kicking frequently and on occasion with what feels like impressive energy.

The time of day your child does a large portion of his or her kicking and punching will change. Frequently it appears the child is a night owl and this may make rest somewhat challenging for you. Only remember this is your child telling you he or she is there and appreciate feeling them move their little figures within you.

Pregnancy Baby Movements: A Ultrasound May Show Your Baby Moving

A ultrasound might likewise demonstrate your child moving in the event that he or she is conscious and it will be an entrancing rush for you to watch the little infant developing inside you figuring out how to work their little arms and legs

One additionally thing to remember is that you may feel your child move one day and afterward nothing for a few days. This is superbly typical.

However in the event that you feel you haven't felt your child move for an amplified time of time don't hesitate to go and see your specialist simply to make certain and to keep you free from stress.

Your significant serenity is critical. You would prefer not to feel a considerable measure of strain as you truly need to revel in your pregnancy!

Please visit our 3D 4D Ultrasound Facility

Friday, January 10, 2014

Why 3D Ultrasound and 4D Ultrasound is Better than 2D Ultrasound

Ultrasounds have been a piece of obstetrics in the United States since the 1970s. For much of that time, straightforward 2d ultrasounds have been utilized. These straightforward outputs can diagnose and affirm pregnancy, confirm gestational age, gauge fetal size, find the placenta, and check for different pregnancies or fetal distortions, in addition to everything else.

Fresher 3d ultrasound and 4d ultrasound allow parents a much more profound look at the pregnancy. As opposed to a standard, two-dimensional picture of what is in the womb, the 3D Ultrasound transducer, rearranges the sonar signal into a 3-dimensional picture. These pictures can show developments and even facial declarations might be seen on the ultrasound pictures.

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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Why A 3D Ultrasound is Better Then 2D Ultrasound

A 3D Ultrasound provides a more detailed image of the baby than a traditional 2D Ultrasound. The images are more lifelike and give a great indication of what your baby's physical features will look like. A 3D ultrasound is able to give a very clear image of the baby's facial features after the fifth month.

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The 3D 4D Ultrasound Process

At the beginning of an ultrasound a special gel is rubbed over the woman's abdomen and a wand that emits sound waves is rubbed across the gel. The sound waves travel into the abdomen and bounce off the baby to create an image for the doctor to analyze and the family to treasure. A 3D ultrasound is more detailed than a traditional ultrasound, allowing everyone in the room to see the baby's facial expressions and get an idea of what the baby's features will look like at birth.

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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Studies Have Shown There are Benefits to 3D 4D Ultrasound During Pregnancy

There are a number of studies that suggest 3D/4D ultrasound may enhance the pregnancy experience. Research on the impact of 3D/4D ultrasound on parental-fetal bonding suggests that these images do indeed positively change the attitude of expecting parents because they enhance the parental-fetal bond, reducing anxiety in parents, and also increasing the awareness of taking care of one's own health (Pretorius et al, 2007, journal of ultrasound in medicine).

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Best Time for a 3D 4D Ultrasound

If you are considering a 3d and 4d ultrasound in Brooklyn, then you should take the time to consider the best time to have it done. Most people say that the best time frame to have this type of scan done is during the middle of your pregnancy.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Today's Ultrasound

Today 3D ultrasound test is popular in medicine because it allows to see the fetus clearly.  For parents it is great excitement to see their unborn baby.. 3D ultrasound test gives high quality images that are similar to the ones that you can see in the movie; the only difference is that they do not move. During 3D ultrasound test the waves are sent at different angles, previous technique known as 2D ultrasound used only straight emitted waves and the resolution of the image was lower.